Publicado por: jujubagomes | 28/05/2009

Hi everyone!!!!

This post is for my new foreigner friends: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had a great time in Santorini and I met some great friends. I’ll remember you guys for all my life! I hope you come to Rio de Janeiro, you’ll love it!

Thank you Mugzy (Is it right?) for you pacience, I really had a great time talking to you. Sorry if sometimes I didn’t say the words in the right way, but I learned a lot (and this is not a bullshit, don’t need the flag)! Please write something for me ok?

Hope see you all in Brazil!!!!!


  1. I can help you in their welcome here, can’t I? =)

  2. PARIS, PARIS… tá chegando a hora….
    bj para voces…
    I hope you enjoy Paris. the most beatiful big city I ever saw in my life. take care each other and kisses for Lucia and Julio. They’re waiting for U. And waiting for me too, in Milão. Congratulations for your english. I know that it helps you a lot. Hug and kisses for U and Gisa.

  3. Da pra ser em portugues????? rsrs Bjs

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